北京方策國際會展有限公司是一家專注于展覽展示設計與制作、企業展廳的内部規劃設計及施工,商務會議服務為一體化工程服務企業。 FangCe (Beijing) International Exhibition Co., Ltd focus on
design and engineer of presentation and exhibition, the plan and engineering of
enterprise and the plan of commercial meeting. 公司已建成具有強化競争力和豐富資源的一體化服務平台,項目工程遍布公上海、成都、長沙、武漢、深圳等全國各大城市, 業務範圍涉及金融、通信、電子、汽車、房地産、服裝、眼鏡、食品、音響、機械等行業。受到了客戶和主辦單位的一緻好評。 With highly competitive and resourceful integrated service
platform, FangCe has projects all over Shanghai, Chengdu, Changsha, Wuhan,
Shenzhen and other large cities in China. The projects include finance,
communication, electronic, auto, clothing, glasses, food, sound box, and mechanics
and so on. We get great compliment from our clients 公司将以飽滿的熱情和極高的責任心為客戶提供新穎、貼切的方案創意,精良的制作工藝,周到、細緻、完善的服務。 一流品質方能鑄造卓越品牌。
We will provide our client more creative and exquisite case and
perfect skill and service with passion and responsibility.
我們深知:“以服務為基礎、以誠信為根本、以客戶為中心、以質量求生存”的信念,并因此立足于展覽競争市場前列。 We believe that top quality will create strong brand.It is deep in our mind that “service is the base, sincerity is root, clients is core, quality
is the only way we can survive”and
keep us lead the market of exhibition.